Meeting a high standard of quality in terms of composition, dimensions, and mechanical strength, Multiplast has become a European leader in the extrusion of protective films for building work.
Its production, which is subject to very high requirements, is the result of plastics processing carried out in compliance with industry standards. The intrinsic qualities of its plastic films can be explained, in particular, by the use of the three-layer technology and the choice of highly qualitative raw materials.
The company conducts chemical composition analyses on the plastic pellets to ensure the purity of its raw materials. Its internal laboratory includes tensile devices designed to test the strength of plastic film.

Patents, certificates, labels
The pioneering manufacturer and inventor of the Bobineau plastic film reel for site protection is behind several patented inventions, including a range of biosourced sheets. Its vapour barrier for parquet flooring is certified. A+-classified (Décret no 2011-321 of 23rd March 2011), this insulating film does not emit any VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds). Further certifications are pending.
The French plastics manufacturer obtained the EcoVadis label, which rewards CSR at various levels (environment, business ethics, labour and respect for human rights, etc.), and was awarded a silver medal.
A member of the Polyvia association, Multiplast strives to build a responsible, efficient industry that is part of the circular economy. In 2022, the company was awarded the MORE label, recognising the use of recycled raw materials in manufactured products.
> The plastics manufacturer carries out a general internal audit every year. These advanced audit routines include various components:
• Quality management: for the management of continuous improvement and the management of non-conformities.
• Value chain creation: this includes traceability, quality control, supplier selection, raw material quality, assessments, training policy, awareness of QSE issues, maintenance, etc.
> In addition to these audits, Multiplast’s major customers also carry out particularly demanding audits on the company. They aim to secure the entire production scope in order to enhance the collaboration with the major DIY brands or distributors of products intended for the building industry.
> Audited on the BSCI (Business Social Compliance Initiative), the company obtained a score of 98% out of 100 for the quality of its working conditions.
* Corporate social compliance initiative.